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had an increase of more than 400 per cent in business with the online tour operator.
This comes on the heels of Club Kingston being tagged the Number One Global Travel Lounge of the Year
by copping the coveted Priority Pass Award from a nomination field of more than 700 airport lounges across
more than 500 airports throughout the world in June 2014.
David Hall, executive chairman of VIP Attractions, commented: “Hospitality is a treasured Jamaican heritage.
We believe that during our three years of existence, we have made significant and innovative contributions
to the travel experience for guests entering and leaving Jamaica, cognisant of the importance of a more
enjoyable first and last impression.”
Here, VIP Attraction’s international business development executive, Jodian Brown, accepts the Expedia Top
Producing Partners prize from that organisation’s associate market manager, Jamaica, Adrian Harrison,
during a special presentation at Club MoBay at the Sangster International Airport in Montego Bay last Friday.
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