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Jamaica's Tourism Product Development Company (TPDCO) collaborated with the Gordon Town Community Development Committee to host the annual Pineapple Fest on 12 August.
The event, held at the Gordon Town Community Centre, aimed to enhance public awareness about the variety of products made from or utilizing the pineapple fruit.
In a report celebrating the success of the partnership, TPDCO highlights that the Gordon Town community in Saint Andrew is home to several pineapple farmers. The soil quality in the hillside community is conducive to the cultivation of the fruit in large quantities.
The day-long Pineapple festival featured a village of booths displaying a variety of craft items, and food and drink made from the pineapple fruit.
One highlight of the festival was the 'Pin the Crown on the Pineapple" game at the TPDCO booth.
While Gordon Town has a longstanding reputation as a farming community, the annual presentation of the Pineapple Fest injects additional economic activities into the community, generating job opportunities and income streams for the residents.
This community-based tourism venture also offers visitors an opportunity to participate in eco-tours and experiences, providing them with an understanding of sustainable living in east rural Saint Andrew.
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