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Jamaica’s Club Mobay & Kingston ‘Making It Happen’ Once More ….Inspiring Possibilities…The Power In Partnership
MONTEGO BAY, Jamaica – VIP Attractions (Club Mobay and Club Kingston) embraced the second year of its ongoing commitment to the relationship with the Montego Bay Autism Center to enhance this facility which takes care of 38 special children this Labor Day.
Over 150 enthusiastic staff members and volunteers showed up to participate in various projects to help further beautify the property and contribute to making each day for the students just a little brighter.
We are guided by the footsteps of our Executive Chairman, David Hall who dedicated years of his life towards building a Special Needs academy for children in Kingston.
Through the inspiration of the Chief Executive Officer, Ricardo Esteban, this passionate team of professionals opted to spend their day partnering with other like-minded organizations to paint classrooms, furnishings and spaces, as well as adding features like a fence, garden bench and walking paths to further enhance the garden area for the children and staff.
The very proud Ricardo Esteban started the day with his address to the team “As we embark on our second year of our relationship with the Montego Autism Center of St. James, we will be sticking to our motivational slogan: WE MAKE IT HAPPEN!”
Though we have done various minor projects throughout the year Labour Day gives us the opportunity to come together as an enthusiastic family to positively impact the lives of these children. “Thank you for all you do, I am proud to be amongst great ladies and gentlemen”
In 2007, Mrs. Adama Blagrove (founding partner for the Autism Center) began an in-home service to answer the cry of a mother with a special needs child. It was at this time she realized, there was no facility in Western Jamaica which catered to the needs of autistic children which affects one in every sixty eight children. Consequently, the Montego Bay Autism Center was established in the year 2010. Registered as a non-profitable organization, this facility offers early intervention, pre-school and primary education services.
Mr. & Mrs. Blagrove expresses their gratitude for a successful program.
Overwhelmed with joy, Mrs. Blagrove noted “We at the Montego Bay Autism Center would like to extend our deepest gratitude and thanks to the VIP Attractions team for lending a hand on Labour Day. Once again, you surpassed our expectations in that you saw our need and you met it. Not only you and your team lend a hand for our Center, but you reached out far and wide to encourage other organizations to tag along with you to ensure that you make it happen for our Students, Parents and Staff. It is with deepest gratitude we say a BIG THANK YOU!!”
VIP Attractions would like to thank all their sponsors for the tremendous support on this very successful initiative.
Premier Support Team: Jamaica Tours Limited, Jamaica Experiences, Sagicor Foundation, Digicel Foundation, Iberostar, Wrap City and Mega Mart
Other Amazing Partners: Yummy Bakery, Discount Lumber and Hardware, Pure Ice, Facey Commodity, Mothers, Coldfield and Wisynco.
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