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It is now mandatory for all arriving passengers to Jamaica to complete the Immigration/Customs (C5) form online.
This new digital requirement came into effect on September 1, replacing the traditional paper document previously distributed by airlines to arriving passengers, whether they are Jamaican residents or visitors.
The transition to the online form is a collaborative effort between the Passport, Immigration, and Citizenship Agency (PICA) and the Jamaica Customs Agency.
In a recent interview with the Jamaica Gleaner, CEO of PICA Andrew Wynter said the online form essentially replicates the content of its paper counterpart.
He also mentioned that the Online Passenger Declaration or C5 form can be submitted up to 30 days before a traveller's return to Jamaica via the website
Meanwhile, the senior director of Projects Enterprise and Risk Management at PICA, Amy Johnson Lynch shared that the agency has been in discussions with airport operators to ensure that travellers have access to the Internet for form completion.
In cases where Wi-Fi may not be available, alternatives, such as completing the physical form or electronic assistance, will be offered to travellers.
Upon successfully submitting the online form, travellers will receive a confirmation email.
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